King Tempo Trombone Eastlake
king tempo trombone eastlake

You generally want a straight tenor with a bore around. I believe the 2B is used often. The bach 16 is commonly used for jazz, as well as a few diffeeent king horns.

king tempo trombone eastlakeking tempo trombone eastlake

$5000 buys you a premier custom model from a renown builder.These often have the standard dimensions of a. A $2000 trombone gets you near the top of the line for many domestic makers. A $500 trombone is a good quality basic long term purchase.

Sometimes brass parts are chrome plated. The hand fitting gives more accurate alignment and slide action.) Student models may be made of mostly brass, with little nickel trim to cut costs. (Professional model hand slides have components built together to fit exactly for each individual slide. Hand slide components are built separately to spec, then inserted together and placed in the case for shipping. Bells are usually machine spun from a hydro-formed piece of tubing rather than a sheet of brass.

With student models, ease of playing and durability are the prime directives. Many student instruments are imported form China and other countries, but you can still find high quality models manufactured in the USA at very fair pricing. The mouthpipe, a tapered tube inside the horn into which the mouthpiece inserts, may be a bit tighter on a student model to offer an easier response with lower volumes of air. Mouthpieces are normally the smallest size, a 12C, which helps the new player support the tone.

Both are made in Eastlake, Ohio, USA. Other respected models include the Getzen 351 and Yamaha 354.These two trombones are identical except for a few trim pieces and the branding. You can expect to pay $600 and up for a trombone like this.We offer a selection of student models including the Bach TB301 and King 606.

king tempo trombone eastlake

The King 606 is identical, but the outside hand slide tubas are all nickel, as it the bracing and tuning slide sleeves. It has a slightly warmer sound and feels a bit more open. At some point I upgraded to a King professional model, but the student horn was always great too.The Bach TB301 is made of all brass, with nickel cork barrels (top of the hand slide) and nickel hand braces. My (Steve's) first trombone was a King 605 (like 606) in middle school, and I kept it through college for marching gigs and it was fine.

Designs are tailored towards more experienced players. Simplicity of trim and details help keep costs down. When adjusted for inflation, the price on these models has stayed very stable for decades, so they still are very fair value.These instruments add more features from the professional models, but with the limited options and volume manufacturing of the student models. Price, style, and response are all important when choosing a trombone, so it's likely one or the other should fulfill your needs. Either of these is a fine choice for a new player. The TB301 includes a Vincent Bach 12C mouthpiece, and the King includes a King 12C mouthpiece.

You can expect to pay $900 and up for a trombone like this.We offer a selection of intermediate trombones including the Bach TB200B, Conn 52H, Getzen 451, 725, 547, Jupiter 636, and Yamaha 446, 448.The Bach TB200B is a medium bore trombone with F-attachment modeled after the popular Bach 36. Let's get the best one now." But if your budget does not permit such nonchalance, we can recommend something similar with most of the features you might seek. Sometimes the small different in price between an intermediate and professional model leads people to say, "I just want to buy it once. Lots of younger players aspire to a professional model trombone, so we often see them step up to a professional trombone after previously owning only a student model. But the price is about two thirds that of the 36, so it makes a great setup for the developing player.We only sell a few intermediate models here. The intermediate model 200B is very similar, but has less nickel trim, less hand work in the making of the bell, and no options available.

Except for the smaller bore, you give up little to professional large bore horns when you buy choose the 725. The F-attachment is a very sleek open wrap design and the red brass bell is stunning. The nickel slide adds durability and centered tone, while the gold brass bell is stunning and its higher copper content offers a warmer, broad, full tone.The Getzen 725 was formerly sold as the Canadian Brass Conservatory model, and has a medium size dual-bore slide. Made in Elkhorn, Wisconsin, it has an all nickel hand slide and a gold brass bell. The red brass bell is distinctive.The Getzen 451 is a small bore model aimed at the new player, but we mostly sell them to adults who may be occasional players and want a beautiful instrument for not much money. The F-attachment tubing wrap and trigger mechanism is an older design, and two hand slide options are available.

They feature Yamaha's flawless construction and finish work, and have a compact wrap F-attachment for a nice compromise between durability and an open feel. Red or yellow brass bells and open-wrap or traditional-wrap F-attachments are available.The Yamaha 446 and 448 are built in medium bore and large bore respectively. Despite being imported, the quality is top notch, and parts and service are readily available in the USA. It's since been upstaged by the XO series, but the 636 is still worthy, and the price is very reasonable.

Gold and red brass and other bell options may be available, and nearly all trim pieces would be made of solid nickel. Bells are made of one or two pieces of sheet brass, and are generally hand hammered, hand spun, and then annealed to offer the most color of tone and the easiest response. Hand slides are assembled and hand fitted together for smoothest action. These may use the newest, most accurate tooling and dies.

Our smaller bore trombones tend to be used for commercial music like, jazz, salsa, rock, dance music, recordings and live shows. For example, Conn worked with Ralph Sauer, principal trombonist of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, to perfect the Generation II design for the venerable Conn 88H trombone.Professional instruments tend to be specialized for different types of music. Every maker wants premier artists to endorse their instruments, so the professional models are often designed in cooperation with some of the top players. A professional model can be a work of art in itself because of the attention to detail. In general, you'll find a professional model will be lighter, will have a more sophisticated sound, and has a more open feel for the experienced player.

king tempo trombone eastlake